What is the sales strategy?
An approach to selling that allows the sales force to present the company's position and product(s) to customers in a meaningful and different way.
Sales strategies can include, but are not limited to, the following: a detailed plan of best practices and processes established by management, from how to research and define prospects, calls, how to present sales to contracting techniques and Account management policy.
There are two main types of sales strategies: inbound and outbound.
In offline sales, the system left behind by most sales teams, companies base their sales strategy on salesperson actions, they rely on manual data entry to monitor the sales channel and direct salespeople. They do sales and marketing independently and separately and create separate experiences for buyers.
In inbound sales, which is a modern approach to sales teams, companies focus their sales process on buyer actions, they automatically receive sales and purchasing information to monitor the channel and coach salespeople, and sales and marketing. coordinate and create a unique experience for buyers.
Start tracking emails for free when you see someone opening your email quickly, following up perfectly on time, and making transactions faster than ever. The seller and the decision to buy were annoying. Today, all the information needed to evaluate a product is available online, and buyers are no longer dependent on the seller. In fact, the buyer is 57% of the way through the sales process before the seller even communicates with the buyer. If today's sales teams are not aligned with the modern buying process and do not provide additional information beyond what is already available to the buyer, he will have no reason to contact a sales and buying team of theirs.
Inbound sales help buyers at every stage of the buying process: awareness, consideration and decision. Inbound sales teams help the buyer to become aware of potential problems and opportunities, find a strategy to solve the buyer's problems, evaluate whether the seller can help the buyer solve the problem or not, and finally provide a solution for the buyer. They are helpful and reliable, and are more likely to try to build partnerships rather than power struggles.

Sales strategy program
Sales planning process
Every sales team should have a sales plan and strategy that outlines goals, best practices, and processes designed to align the team and create cohesiveness. These are the main components of a sales plan:

Organizational goals
Each goal must be specific and measurable. For example, to sell 150% of the forecasted sales quota in Q2.

Customer profile and product offering
This section includes the detailed profile of the target customer, including company size, psychographics, and buying trends. Product presentation by specifying the benefits of the product and its features, emphasizing those benefits that solve customer weaknesses.

Employment, receipt and compensation
Creating a list of necessary criteria and attributes for sales managers to observe when interviewing candidates is essential to hiring and retaining top talent. The next step is to prepare a training program and curriculum that will prepare them to start working effectively and efficiently, and finally there should be a reward program that will strengthen their motivation to continue.

Demand generation
This section should include a detailed plan for how to target potential customers to increase their awareness of your offer. For example, using social shopping channels, creating e-books and web hosting, hosting events, etc.

Performance and measurement process
Time to follow up! Once the infrastructure is in place, we need to develop a method to track performance at the individual, team and company level. This measurement can be in the form of a quarterly KPI, a weekly evaluation, a monthly review, or a combination of all three. This section should also highlight specific metrics that the team should focus on.